On whiteness and white guilt
There is a refrain that is often heard around the braai or the water cooler, and it goes like this: “Why should I have to apologise for apartheid? I wasn’t a part of it/was only a child/wasn’t yet...
View ArticleNow is a good time for South African whites to show courage
I can sum up my feelings over the last 20 years of democracy in South Africa as being a progression of emotions, from concern (pre 1994) to euphoria (elections) to “this is not so bad” to “quite...
View ArticleNot all pale-skinned people are ‘white’
In certain circles I could suggest, “the real problems of the world are those caused by white masculine capitalist hegemony!” I might get a few heads to nod. I could then assert, “Down with white...
View ArticleUnpacking ‘whiteness’
My last post “Whiteness is like herpes” did exactly what I thought it would. It resonated with a small number of fellow whites who correctly understood the analogy, and then provoked an angry reaction...
View ArticleThank you Penny
A preamble: just as Penny Sparrow does not speak for me, I do not speak for any of you. But I am hoping that some of you will at least listen, and think, and reflect. As a white South African, I’d like...
View ArticleThe unbearable whiteness of being a middle-aged Afrikaans male
When I was recently asked to perform a few of my songs at the private birthday party of an old fan from the Voëlvry era, I agreed. “I don’t like performing at private parties, but at least these people...
View ArticleWhiteness – it must be possible to transcend black and white divisions (Part 2)
In many ways, this is a time of awakening. I should say “rude awakening”, because the awakening I am speaking of holds many unpleasant surprises. With “awakening”, I mean the sensation of seeing...
View ArticleKingsolver’s narrative indictment of colonisation: The Poisonwood Bible
I have written about Barbara Kingsolver’s (and other figures’, such as Salman Rushdie’s) novelistic art here before and even referred to The Poisonwood Bible cursorily — but recently the effect of...
View ArticleOf monuments and men
A visual reading of the “Monumentaal” concert’s flyer raises questions about Afrikaner masculinity and celebrations of heritage
View ArticleUse black agencies to target black consumers
We shouldn’t just copy all our concepts from the West and paste them for African consumption
View ArticleThe parable of the lost Afrikaner son
I am a white, Afrikaans-speaking queer, the antithesis of what my family and church stood for. My identity crisis led to my identity formation
View ArticleNovak Djokovic and the hierarchy of whiteness
Is the disparaging treatment meted out to the Serb because he is not considered white enough by the West?
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